Montex Swiss does invest in building the brands, whether it’s at the stage of a new product launch or at the stage of well-established portfolio selling. Because building a brand means building value for the company enabling it to have wider strategic opportunities, to gain certain defense against price competition and to generate more profit.
We believe that a brand is not a product/service or a trade mark; it is customer value, logic and emotion for the customer, something that he is ready to pay more for; which eventually creates a competitive advantage for the company.
The points we consider are

  • exceeding the values stipulated be the particular environment and making a unique proposition
  • showing clearly what the customer is paying for
  • conveying the right message to the customers in the particular market, taking into account cultural and traditional peculiarities
  • providing safe, friendly and comfortable way of using the product
  • sharing the stories of how the brand/product came to life and where it is going to
  • building a strong relationship with the community
  • building up a corporate culture around the brand

We strongly believe that the contemporary building of a strong brand is only possible via strategy which is moved by culture and is socially important.

Therefore, what we do is creating the identity of the brand, which is valuable and well-positioned for the identified group of the consumers; implementing a communication program which is not only effective and durable, but also persistent; introducing into the portfolio only synergistically compatible brands which strengthen one another; investing in branding during each stage of the product life; monitoring the brand capital.

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